If you wish to support our local school and Tongan's in general the best thing you can do is to bring some school supplies. The literacy rate in Tonga is very good but the school is not completely free and many parents struggle to pay school fees and equipment.

In the beginning of each term parents are supposed to bring crayons, pens, paper and pencils to share for the class. These are items that are small and easy to carry so if you wish to help the local community in our village these are things you can bring.

If you bring something we are happy to take you to the local school so you can donate it yourself and see how it things work here or you can give it to us and we will make sure it gets taken to the right place.  


There are also always bigger and different projects going on here so feel free to contact us directly if you have special skills-wishes or things you have a passion for.


Thank you in advance for your contributions.

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